Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016

Hitler´s Inhuman Experiments of the German SS Doctors

Inhuman Experiments on living Humans

The typical medical activity in a concentration camp was in the care of the guards, and in the care and supervision of the prisoners, however, the resources allocated for the supply was insufficient and minimal. The main concern of many doctors was therefore to prevent the spread of diseases and the rapid restoration of working ability of the patients. Among the doctors there was a contempt for human life, because they carried out the heaviest of physical abuse and killings. With the beginning of the war of aggression against the USSR worsened the activity spectrum of the "doctors", which is now conducted selections of incoming shipments, plan views of gassings and selection of prisoners for experiments, which were often consigned any ethical and moral intentions into oblivion.

 Characteristic of the medical experiments conducted on prisoners, were the following: 

Experiments were carried out without informed consent of the subjects-Risk of death or serious damage was from the outset in buying-taken no scientific justification and design of experiments-hygienic conditions and health assessments were disregarded-Experiments were carried out although already secure scientific-Findings templates pronounced unscrupulousness in the choice of methods-Lack of any kind of care or aftercare

2. typhus experiments in Buchenwald 

Prof. Gildemeister (President Robert Koch Institute Berlin):"As the animal experiment does not allow sufficient rating of typhus vaccine, the tests must be carried out on humans."

Until output of 1944 found 24 trials with varying number of persons, usually 40 - 60 people in aGroup instead. With the execution of the experiments sturmbannführer Dr. Ding-Schuler was commissioned. The typhus vaccine had different places of origin. he was from Made:- Egg yolk sac cultures (Behringwerke)- Läusedärme (Krakow)- Rabbit lungs (Institut Pasteur, Paris)- Dogs lungs / mouse liver (Robert Koch Institute, Berlin)

At the experimental station (block 46) approximately 1,000 subjects were "treated" in the following way: There are 3 groups were formed, which were all infected with typhus pathogens. The first group then left untreated, while the second group was administered the vaccine to be tested. The third group was considered "Passage" group, which meant that they were injected typhus strains, to make them available for further experiments with sick fresh blood. The pathogens were directly in the muscle, under the skin, injected intravenously through skin abrasions (by Impflanzette) or. Consequences were that almost all died from the group.

1 and 2 despite vaccination All other retained serious injury, permanent cardiac weakness, loss of memory and paralysis, back. The for laboratory work forced detainees (mostly political) were under constant risk of infection, however, were materially preferred, that is, they had their own bed, fresh linens and "hazard pay" in the form of 80g sugar, 64g fat, 400g of bread a week more and if they it has not refused, they got the 120 degree heated meat of typhus infected rabbit who would after removal of the lung to be incinerated. The scientific value of these typhus experiments was nil or very low because the infection process were insane, because too high concentrations were used to pathogens and this could not correspond to reality.

3. sulfonamide experiments in Ravensbrück 

These experiments were carried out from July 1942 to September 1943. The occasion was the death of the head of the Reich Security Main Office, R. Heydrich, who succumbed to injuries and an assassination allegedly! had received no intensive treatment with sulfonamides (chemotherapeutic used to treat infections).So the mandate to verify the therapeutic efficacy of prisoners of KL was placed in the hands of Prof. Dr. Karl Gebhardt and his assistant Dr. Fischer and Dr. Oberheuser.  

Subjects (mostly Polish women) were deliberately inflicted wounds in the staphylococci, Gasbrandbazillen, tetanus and exciting mixed cultures were injected. There were cuts in the lower leg of the women, who often went down to the bone, and made to enhance the infection, wood chips and powdered glass shards were forcibly taken to the wound.

 After the reduction of artificial infection treatment with sulfonamide started, the affected persons often suffer excruciating pain had to an eventual improvement occurred, but this occurred in very rare cases. So often remained in the actual survival, severe damage back. It gained no new scientific evidence, as Gerhard Domayk has already received the Nobel Prize in 1939 for the discovery and exploration of the sulfonamide and templates 1942 differentiated insights about the effects (including side effects) of sulfonamides.

Height pressure - and underwater experiments in DachauDr. Sigmund Rascher (medical officer of the Air Force) was commissioned to attempt the reaction and for human life at high altitudes, with rapid rise (to 20 km and more), and the sudden fall from a height, determine. Vacuum chambers of the air force were brought to Dachau and totally isolated between block 5 and the adjacent barracks. called the test car, "Assumption Cart", included pressure, temperature and level measurement devices, which could be enjoyed and also measure a sudden drop in pressure, oxygen deprivation and severe physical stresses on the subjects. To 70 - 80 (of 200) people died during the experiment. Following the occurrence of death victims were dissected immediately, Rascher once noted that the heart at autopsy have suggested what he exploited immediately and a series of deadly special attempts undertook to find out how long a human heart, after killing yet "brisk" was. The first attempts were made to prisoners of labor input offices, later arrivals. These experiments were very unscientific, because often only apparent good reactions and symptoms were described and unskilled sections were performed. Insights into physiological conditions and possible protective measures were not recovered.

Prof. Dr. Holzlöhner and Dr. Rascher received on 8 October the mission: to investigate "The effect of cooling on the warm-blooded animal" to help in distress airmen better. The experiments carried out in 2 periods:1st period: The test subjects were clothed or naked in cold water of 4 - set 9 degrees until it solidified. (Measurements of temperature was thermoelectrically rectally) (number of subjects 50 - 60, death toll: 15-18)

2nd period: Fast applied additionally other methods: prisoners were naked at 20 - hourly showered 25 degrees below zero with water and placed the night outside. Since the pain roar too much unrest provoked, they were finally anesthetized. (Number of subjects 220-240 man, from November 1942 to May 1943, deaths: 65-70)5. sterilization experiments in AuschwitzThree different test series has brought the SS leadership in transition to develop a process by which one can unobtrusively, quickly and permanently sterilize large crowds.

1st attempt 

This is based on the publication of experimental findings (company Madaus & Co, Dresden - Radebeul) with the extract of the South American Schweigrohrpflanze (Caladium seguinum), which made the animals infertile.Dr. Fehring and Dr. Adolf Pokorny were initiated:- Not to make any publications on experiments- Multiplication of the plant in greenhouses- Immediate tests on humans to dose and duration of (criminals!)be able to determine treatment- Rapid exploration of the active ingredient- Synthetic productionBut there were enormous difficulties to grow the plant on German soil, so that came this way to paralysis.

Second attempt  

Dr. Horst Schumann dealt after the gassing of mentally ill his time no longer filled with the action of X-rays on human gonads. Himmler personally supported his plans by the"Making available" the relevant "materials" in the concentration camp Auschwitz. Schuhmann employable Jews fetched aged 20-24 years and put them on the genitals 15 minutes, the effect of radiation from, where they work then again sent. Burns and suppuration were often the result. After 2 to 4 weeks, the victim was castrated in order to dissect the testicles and examine microscopically can. There are no details known how many people have died in agony.

3. Attempt1942 the SS Brigade Commander Dr. Clauberg was Himmler and Obergruppenführer luck Auschwitzprovided for its solution of the Jewish question.Already in July drove Clauberg to Ravensbrück to be there for his experiments "choose" Jewish women. Clauberg injected the women during a "general gynecological" examination a chemical irritant fluid into the uterus (often up into the abdominal cavity, in several cases to the end of the fallopian tube,) which led to the bonding and the complete destruction of the oviduct. The effectiveness of his method was determined by means of X-rays.It Clauberg seemed possible: "by an appropriately practiced doctor, probably several hundred to a suitably equipped place with maybe 10 assistants - to sterilize women in one day - if not 1000".

"There is nothing threatening than when doctors are killers," says Robert Jay Lifton, when asked why the medical crime seem even more disturbing than other atrocities during the Nazi era. "It is the perversion of healing to kill."For a long time they have been silent about its role in the Nazi euthanasia. Silent about the forced sterilization and the hundreds of thousands of times murder of handicapped and sick. Meanwhile, the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) has the responsibility of these acts made its predecessor. On behalf of the company Scientists have found: doctors and psychiatrists have the Nazi euthanasia not only promoted, but they also reacted ruthlessly.

They were considered "ballast existences", as "life unworthy of life". They were gassed, poisoned by an overdose of drugs or allowed to systematically starve. From 1939 to 1945 fell in the entire German territory circa 250000-300000 psychologically, mentally and physically ill people the so-called euthanasia victim. At the instigation of doctors who acted out of conviction. The had a bad conscience, but were without Nazi commands murderers.  

In Auschwitz concentration camp doctor Horst Schumann was responsible for these castrations. Schumann occurred 1932 the NSDAP. Shortly before the war began, he was drafted as a doctor for the Air Force, in September or early October but was asked by phone, to report to the main office leader Viktor Brack in Hitler's chancellery. In January 1940, Schumann took over the management of the first gassing center Grafeneck. In autumn 1942, the now reassigned to the gasification specialists anvancierte Schumann by Viktor Brack to Auschwitz. He was there to test the possibilities of mass sterilization by X-rays.Schumann wrote the following: The results are for the victims who have to work again after a short time, terrible: The irradiated body parts are burned and festered, often intestines are taken. Excruciating pain and psychological damage make their appearance. Many die in appalling circumstances. 
For Schumann control tests whether the irradiation has been "successful", include the so-called semen sample: A-covered with a rubber hose stick is inserted into the rectum of the victim and the glands irritated until it comes to ejaculation.  

The procedure is not only extremely painful, but takes a long time when the weakened state of the prisoners. The ejaculate thus obtained is then examined for sperm. Also for the control of (castration) attempts is i.a. the irradiated men one testicle, the irradiated women one ovary removed. E. Klee, what they did, p.100As this castration or sterilization have looked specifically by irradiation, describes a sacrifice as follows: We had to move out and the genitals were brought under an apparatus and held for 15 minutes under the apparatus- 

"(...) In the course of several days, the genitals have festered in most comrades, and they had huge difficulty walking(...) After two weeks, approximately in October 1943 has led seven of our party to Auschwitz I(...) There you have operated on us(...) Both testicles were removed.Nuremberg Document NO-819zit. n. Ernst Klee, what they did, p.99"

The plans and experiments of these physicians to decimate the Jews by castration and sterilization, however, were quickly overtaken by an even more radical "final solution": the extermination of Jews in powerful killing plants.

Dr.Mengeles Twin Experiments 


Mengele's twin experiments can be divided into two sections.  
The first phase  comprised various studies "on the living object". Here an accurate measurement of the skull, the ears, the nose, and all other physical characteristics was made. The twins were X-rayed, photographed and portrayed by a detained signatory as Watercolor. Mengele left imprints of their hands, feet and make the teeth of the subjects. 

 Another routine measure was to undergo the twins a thorough physical and psychiatric examination. For each twin a comprehensive people wallet has been created in the Mengele the findings documented conscientiously. Many doctors had time to durchühren their own experiments that were otherwise permitted only on laboratory animals. About this pure data collection also led Mengele by various cruel experiments. So he took trial operations before without anesthesia, to compare the pain sensitivity of twins can.
Other children received blood transfusions or were artificially infected with pathogens because Mengele wanted to study the blood serum reactions of pairs of twins.

Comparative section

The second phase of the study consisted in the section. In order to compare the internal organs of the twins, Mengele killed the children at the same time, by injecting them into the heart of chloroform. To carry out such sections Mengele had specially set up a modern equipped autopsy room in the camp. Here he used the Hungarian coroner Dr. Miklós Nyiszli who came in 1944 as a prisoner in Auschwitz. This he caused the associated persons portfolios next to the bodies of about dissecting children. It only lacked the Autopsy. People Laboratory KZAccording to the testimony of former prisoners Mengele came in his spare time often on the ramp to weed twins and people with physical abnormalities from the incoming transports. 

Mengele's subjects were housed in special departments where living conditions were relatively good. Especially the twins were given better food and living under favorable hygienic conditions than the other inmates of the camp. This should be prevented, that the results of the following studies by hunger and disease were affected. In the department several hundred pairs of twins were temporarily housed.Mengele's handling of the trial victims seem contradictory. On the one hand he showed caring: He brought the children chocolate is and hair bands with or chauffeured them in his car through the camp. On the other hand he said to them in his experiments without hesitation pain and brought them later for research purposes without scruple to.In stock Mengele undertook especially comparative studies of twins. He won an extensive data material that he planned to evaluate later under different erbmedizinischen issues. The data collected in Auschwitz should form the basis for his post-war career as a geneticist.Auschwitz represented an almost "ideal" framework for such data collection because it offered Mengele the unique opportunity to perform an autopsy twins simultaneously.

Dr.Josef Mengele Experiment Twins together

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