Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016

Adolf Hitlers official speech on January 30,1942- Sport Palace Berlin

Adolf Hitler's speech on January 30, 1942 at the Sports Palace in Berlin

My German people Comrades!

My comrades!Everyone is talking at this time before the forum, the apparently most suitable - the one before a Parliament whose existence, composition and origin we all know well enough - and I thought again of having to return there on that day, where I have come, namely the people! These are namely also all deputies of the people, only with a difference that they do not receive diets and often find it difficult to come to such a rally, as the so-called appointed representatives of these democracies.Before entering in the tenth year of the National Socialist German Reich, it seems appropriate to take a look into the past and to deal once again with the reasons of our existence, of our becoming and our victory.We hear today often remarked that this war was actually the second world war, that is to say, to identify this fight with the first, we had even yet witnessed in large part as a soldier. And that's not just right about in the sense that even this fight really covers almost the whole world, but it is even more true when one considers that it is the same objectives that the same forces that the first world war caused, are responsible for the present, and that these forces and powers pursuit of the same goals that they then might not pretending at first sight, but yet at bottom were the intentions of their struggle. There are not only identical matches, but it is mainly the same people. And I may say with pride that it make an exception just the states that are now embodied as an ally by the German Reich, by Italy, Japan and so on. Because one can now surely deny nobody: that Churchill even before 1914 one of the meanest warmongers was at that time that Mr. Roosevelt'd been the little man of President Wilson that the capitalist men of today even then already the weight of their influence had thrown into the mix for the war, while, conversely, no one can deny that we have been entirely innocent of the war at that time. We were all just very little soldiers, as now, my dear wounded, sitting here in front of me, unknown nameless, who had just called the duty, nothing more, and accordingly, then their duty so well they could, fulfilled had.They are the same driving forces that inflicted the first World War, who are now also responsible for the second. Here I would like to equal an insert: The former Germany was a monarchy, so no National Socialist dictatorship, the former Germany was democratic, so no National Socialist State, and the former Germany was parliamentary, so not what today's Germany is, by all other differences aside. So there must be reasons that are not in the form of state, which at that time and today led to the attack of these forces, although they claim in both cases that it was the form of government, which it has called into action. We can this German yes not imagine that if a state suddenly a certain form of state At length in our environment that we now therefore explain because we do not fit this form of state, so we must go to war. This is what we do not - of course, understand the other not. They occur also therefore not in the war. You have not occurred, and they are not therefore also gone to war because it has somehow irritated the government. Because they bring it so ready, the meanest Staatsforin if necessary to embrace, to make her brotherhood. No, no, it is not the form of government, but there are other reasons they hattent even then conducted in the war against the German ReichIt was at that time England the main driver in this fight, the England that had subjected the course of 300 years only by force, through a single series of bloody wars to about a quarter of the whole surface. Because it was not so, that one day about Indian princes or Indian tribes or Indian deputations had gone to London with a request: Englishman comes to India and governs us and leads us, "but there are Englishmen went to India, and the! Indians wanted the British do not have. They are down by force and were no longer drive out by force. you have only this once subjected by force a continent with over 380 million people and get in the submission. you have only forcibly State to State tribute and made tributary behind this force was of course those other who see everywhere shops where there is unrest.. our international Jewish acquaintances So England has taken the course of several centuries, the world, and to this world conquest, ensure these peoples oppression endeavors in Europe, the so-called "balance of forces" maintain, therefore, that is to strive as meaning that no European country could win also has a certain amount of force and might thus have a leading role Europe can ascend , What they wanted was the splintered Europe, which in itself resolved, in his power forever balanced Europe, and to achieve this goal, England has now led wars in Europe, a war after another. First they saw their supremacy threatened by Spain. After she finally Spain had defeated, their interest turned to the Dutch. And after Holland seemed to be no danger of the British hatred concentrated against France. And was then broken as finally France with the help of all of Europe, because they believed in a moment, to have to see in Germany the factor that could be suitable, Europe might to some. And now the fight against Germany, not out of love for the people, but only from eigenstem, nüchternstem interest behind it, as I said, that eternal Judaism, to earn in any international dispute, always in and strife, and win understood and began able. They are therefore always been driving to create unrest among the people, because they were able to win in the unrest and the rest maybe to his senses and thus for inspection could have led on the nature of this pest of all nations. So when they for the first concocted a world coalition against the then German Reich in 1914, as they had so a couple of reasons. They said at the time: "Germany must be freed first of his emperor!"  

By itself, that would be addressed the Englishman anything but was an internal affair of the German people. But the English are always concerned about other nations, and so they would accordingly also then freed Germany from his Emperor. They said further: "Militarism is making the German people unhappy and depressed!" - The English are everywhere against oppression and against the evil that is imposed on people. And finally they said further: "It must ever take an end to war, so war against war!" - A wundelbare, tempting, gorgeous view! If one wanted to apply it retroactively, that is, if you wanted to say: We recognize that the war is wrong, because it determines only the brute force, we therefore want to turn off the power, so we want to cancel everything so far violence has arisen. A very difficult start, of course, because the whole world has been built up only on the principle of the right of the strongest. But at least, it would have been wonderful if England would preceded the world here with the horror of the war in that it had released the results of its wars, that is, the contemporary world would have again become available. Had England done that, it would therefore explains. "We detest the war, so we pull us immediately first from South Africa back; we have in fact won it by war We abhor war, so we go from India away because have the we subjected only through war, we abhor as the war so we go out of Egypt, because we have subjected by force, we go from the whole surrounding East, also has become by force our own "- it would have been a wonderful gesture to say in this way the war the war!

But under the struggle, that is, from the war against the war, as was understood in England something else, namely, was understood to be the war to war against any possibility of making the gegehene injustice in this world once again good. Dag was understood less. For the purposes here: the power the person who has the power and any power away from one who does not. . It's about how we know also domestically, when people say: "We want no change in the society who is rich should remain rich, who's poor must remain poor; as it is given, it is intentional , and the way it is intended, it should remain, for man is not to rebel against that which is wanted after all, because it is given. "You know, my fellow countrymen, our National Socialist conception contrast. We see in every state and at any time in the world the result of a never be interrupting the life process. And it is impossible to say at a certain moment: Now listen to this development process, but it is in the nature of the whole development of all things, that each sterilization this life process must lead to the death. It is on the contrary the essence of nature that always the more efficient will be lifted and lifted, so that means that inside the nations we must pave the path the fittest, that they are not allowed to lock by societies that one of the inside peoples must be no sterilization of the financial situation, but that one must take care in the interior, that a continuing stream of fresh blood from below comes up and that everything that is rotten above, because it is inert, should die because must die there, because it is ripe Zuem death, and that one does not observe.So it is the "war on war" been quite mendacious slogan. The best evidence was that at the moment in which the war was over, the prerequisite for implementing new war could be eliminated by no means, but not the tools to guide the new wars. It would have been a wonderful gesture if, as had been contractually assured us after the disarmament of Germany, now England, America, France had disarmed. We have so often exhorted asked in the Weimar Republic, and later demanded that they do so. They had no intention! On the contrary, the war continued. As the only loser, the German people had lost any chance to change his life now in this world once more in his favor.The methods now with whom you fought in the First World War, were similar to today's. First fight from the outside, namely the fight in the form of CBI's coalitions. It takes a piece churchill'scher impudence to say today: "England has never been able alone to lead their own efforts with Italy or Germany War." But this same man has for years let the world offer by its front man warranty promise. He now admits himself that they would not have been able to fight alone. But they have the Baltic States guarantees they have the Balkans guarantees. They were running around, every country in the world, they declared: "Do you need a guarantee Britain will come with all his power behind you and will protect you?." Today this same arch-liar says: "We were not able to fight a war alone." That's right. They would not have been in World War I in a position to carry on the war alone. They therefore concocted against us a coalition of global proportions. The methods have also remained the same: promises to all those of little faith or gullible or stupid, who would fall for these promises, and the rest of the trial, to be represented with as much as possible other blood their own interests. It must always be remembered again that the British Empire in the course of four hundred years of its formation had shed almost 10% of the blood in countless wars that Germany had needed to defend only his bare existence. And yet we have more and more lost.That this was so, is related to the second British method, namely the method of fragmentation. In the time when the British Empire was created, Germany has splintered by itself. Those were thoughts that we do not understand today, thoughts of a religious nature that were not available in the challenged only by the sword, thought which were terrible in its consequences that seem inconsequential to us in their inner being. But this heavy, interior, religious struggles, the infinitely more blood cost the German people, England have given the opportunity to raise this same time a world claim that would have him, neither in number nor in importance ever conceded. For I must inuner again point out that it is not so, that we are German as the upstarts, but if one wants to speak of upstarts, then these are necessarily the Englishman, and not we! We have an older history. And at a time when Europe knew a mighty German Empire, England was only a very insignificant little green island.Last World War, now that you could see the possibility of this fragmentation in a different field. After the religious problems no longer provoked bloodshed, the priests sintemalen not itself would have been willing to seek to kill for these things, were found by the impossibility to engage the German people still in dynastic internal crises, a new way: the playout of the parties. We have seen this time. Parties of the right and the left, again divided in itself, half a dozen bourgeois phenomena, half a dozen bourgeois phenomena and split again. And with these parties, ranging from the middle through the center to the KPD., It is then able to erode slowly the German people at home and to wear down. Nevertheless, the course of the war was an immeasurably glorious. The 1914 to 1918 they prove a, lest the enemy has triumphed; it was a common revolt, instigated by Marxist-zentrümlerischen, liberal-capitalist subjects, and behind all as the driving force of the Wandering Jew. You have then brought Germany to the case.We now know from the sayings of the English themselves, that they end up in front of their own collapse were in 1918, as perhaps a quarter of an hour before 12 o'clock to let realize the revolt in Germany. These now came the cowardice of the then rulers., Their indecision, their incompleteness, their own insecurity. And so the First World War alone could be lost, not by the merits of our opponents, but only from our own fault.The consequences of this collapse in November were now not the admission of Germany into the open arms of the world democracy, the concerns were not now the other for the liberation of the German people from its expense, a survey of the German people to a higher level of culture; they could not get, because they were on a much deeper itself, but the consequences were now only the most terrible collapse, politically and economically, to a people had ever experienced.At that time we entered a man contrary, had inflicted on the German people immeasurable harm: Woodrow Wilson, the man who with an iron brow log if Germany were to lay down their arms, it would get a peace of reconciliation, of understanding, it would not lose its colonies, but the colonial problems would be sorted justice. The man lied before us that a general disarmament would come, that we should be then added to an equal federal equal nations and peoples, etc. He lied before us that so secret diplomacy would be eliminated, and that even now, a new era of peace, equality, reason would come so. The little man this Erzlügners was the current president Roosevelt. He was his right hand. This our German people at that time familiar. It had no idea that it was a question of an American president, so, that is a man who is not committed itself to a truth that can say, for example, before an election calm. "I will work against the war", and can say after the election: "I stand for the war", and if he is then asked to explain, can also calm declare: "I have said before, because I thought it would be stupid to take the truth and choose me for this. " But it has something not known that it concerned namely here to a paralytic, a madman who led this people at that time, with had never had a conflict in its history the German people.So then came the moment that bitter disappointment, which began at the moment when the German negotiators in the us so now who introduced themselves for the second known Compiègne forest to the lounge car, where they were first approached with the brusque question: "What do the men here ? " There was a truce that already meant the total disarmament in reality. And the result of this truce was then the peace treaty, the complete disarmament of our people and thus the Rechtlosmachung and parallel therewith a plunder and exploitation by an international financial conspiracy which threw our people in the deepest misery. They had previously stated: ". 

Those who claim that we have the intention of Germany to take away the colonies who lies" They have taken away from us! They said: "Anyone who says that we possessed the intent to bring about Germany about its merchant fleet, who does not speak out the truth." They have taken away from us! He had previously said: "Who said that we wanted to tear about the German people parts, rushing to the people." It has later taken away a piece at a time! It broke all promises! The German people sank in a few months in an unimaginable despair, despondency, to all corners of nowhere a hope, a starving people, the one even not his prisoners returned, as already the armistice, peace was indeed signed, a people, the one even then was no food, when it was already defenseless, that you extorted only again when going through studying that time how again and again with a new extortion demanded of us a new submission and abzwang.If that holds up today in mind, then you get now in the state of wrath and a hatred inside against a world in which such a thing conceivable and possible.During this time, now, my comrades, when everything was broken, as the supreme head of the Reich had fled to other countries than others capitulated, when the Wehrmacht had to surrender their weapons, as the people disarmed themselves voluntarily, in the time when the one even raged against Germany in the interior, as you wrote in our newspaper: "It's good that we have lost the war" because characterless subjects found who declared: "we could not win it, this war "in a moment when everyone was spat upon, still on Germany ever thought or of them spoke, in a time in which one of the - I would say - the life renunciation preached as an ideal and ashamed ever before as German the world to act in time, my fellow countrymen, I entered political life with the decision, this Germany up again. It was such an insane decision in the eyes of many others that did not understand me my closest friends.
I have the strength for this decision only recovered from the knowledge of the people. If I had known only the upper ten thousand, believe me, my fellow countrymen, I would not here today. I never found the courage to take this a popular revolutionary idea: determination and faith. I knew at that time primarily the broad popular. I knew, especially my comrades. I knew that these men had done four years something immeasurable, unimaginable. I knew how reliable they were. I knew that if they had only had the right leadership that they were never to move about to surrender, even their comrades not because everyone knew: for, for which I fight, even my comrades are so many like , I may indeed the not abandon, it would be a betrayal of my own comrades. They're also exactly from the life went as hard as I do. They've also used their lives.I have this broad mass of the German people knew from my origins, from my former life. And this mass received my faith in my people not only, but newly added and later through the years always enhanced when adverse circumstances or when some disaster might seem to militate against the realization of my plan it.I was aware that the whole development so as we had had in the last twenty or thirty years before the war, to nothing but had to lead to co-book.
And I have therefore taken the decision now to declare war from scratch this development, therefore, that is not easy to explain: I want that Germany again gets a Wehrmacht, gets an army or get an air force, but I was in clear that initially inside the structure of our system had to be reformed, that we had to continue to flow from below the blood in the dead body of our people and that for the purpose of the society had received heavy intervention. I have these interventions not as possible viewed after reaching the power, but I was the conviction that the power of only the body could be given that would already embody the face and the essence of the new state in itself, that is to say, I was determined to build a very small movement, with few people starting that should already embody in what I had in mind later as much necessary for all. And it was perhaps not so difficult, as some thought, so far as I was indeed saved from the danger that then unworthy swot or selfish people came in my ranks.
After all, who came back in the 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923. This movement, which had to be a boundless idealist. Anyone else who could only say, "This is a complete fool who wants to build a new people who wants to found a new state, which will then set up a new army, which wants Germany free up again, and does not even have a name who has no capital, has no press, no party to bear him, he has nothing -. a madman " It had been his boundless idealists who then came to me because they had nothing to gain, but only to lose, always sacrificing only. And I can say from all my former fellow fighters: all that are later encountered in this time and for me, they have had nothing to gain, they had only to lose everything. And how many have lost everything, to life.I have now begun this fight against stupidity initially, stupidity and inertia of our so-called upper classes. I started him against the cowardice everywhere imposed itself, this cowardice, accompanied always disguised as prudence, and said, you must submit, you have to be patient, or, as Mr. Erzberger said: "Everything sign, sign anything, what they are presenting to us, they will forgive us, then they will be fine. " Against this boundless cowardice that all preferred as withstanding, I then have to fight in small and gradually larger circle. How often have we not experienced that this bourgeoisie us repeatedly said, "Why are you going on the road, you see it, do not want the other, so it always comes to conflict - Why Because you provoke, so.? Do not provoke, hold back, be but silent. " And we have not been silent; I then installed the program: The German road belongs to the German man and not the Jews.
And I have conquered these German men, not by the wisdom of cowards, but by the bravery of these daredevils who had also joined me and have agreed with me that road freizukämpfen from our enemies and opponents, and slowly the German colors into gather in this German roads, the German markets, villages and towns. And I had to keep fighting against time as many interests of all individual.The man of the left said to me: "You go against my interests in, or before you go against my interests My interests - I have a class interest, and this class interest obliges me to kill the other." "Stay Lord, stay away from our interests we have class interests, we also have our interests us off, do not go in here..." And the other again told me I had to turn me against both sides. And about the interests that, put the interests of the state or that seemed anchored in the class that are in the folklore, in this intractable Community.

This looks today everything so of course, but my old campaigners know that it was not of course, bring in these truisms in the cross skulls of our people from the left and from the right. Some wanted this thought not record, simply stubbornness, because they said, "What, we are the other smash the skull" And the others, they would not receive from inertia or stupidity, from sluggish flow of thought because they said: "That has not been, why should we suddenly now change Uber main, you can not ask me that I am so with. these people simply because abgebe from the people that I can not. you know, at the end you ask me even more that I sit down in the tram to any other. So, everything is right, I am also, of course,. .. - we want to be a united nation of brothers, but by far, by far, sir, not too close, and only at election time, but not normal. "All this was not so easy, slowly extract one by one from this people, and how many of them went back to me. It was not so, my fellow countrymen, as if anyone who has the time come to me, would have stayed around with me. Manchesmal I had gained 50, 60 somewhere in one place, and three months later, it was again only 6 or 7 or 8. Everything else was gone. And you had to start again. But I have then made a calculation: If I win a hundred, and it keeps me only ten, and the other ninety go away again, then it gradually, if I win a thousand, to be a hundred if I win ten thousand, are a thousand remain, and gradually the number is of those who stay, are becoming larger. And if an perhaps the second- and the third time is gone away, maybe he is embarrassed then, the fifth time to walk away, but then also remain. And so I will slowly build with incredible patience and with a tenacity and perseverance me a new national community in the German Empire itself. The other may laugh or scoff as they want, which is the same. They may take action against us, also the same, then we will defend ourselves. We will not surrender. We will not go off the road, we will not vacate our seats, but we will suggest to stay until we are so long either, or the other gives way and us gives way. Self-evident principles for us Nazis today, but then quite new ideas, new insights that had been realized by many, nor taken for granted.

And then came yet another said: The Cursed tradition in which each individual was great, he believed, not being able to break away, even this whole problem of education, these eggshells so much heavier yields the individual than anything else that opinion, he is now just born different."

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